by Econnect | May 30, 2017 | Newsletter | Planning science communication
A great deal of work goes into creating effective communication strategies – even before you get to Designing messages. You’ve also got one week left to tell us what you think about our newsletter, and the chance to win 12 bottles of wine or an ABC Shop voucher... by Econnect | Mar 21, 2017 | Newsletter | Planning science communication
At the heart of all effective science communication is achieving a good understanding of the people you are communicating with. This is true whether you are giving a presentation to a group of farmers, sending a media release to the financial media, or... by Econnect | Jun 14, 2016 | Newsletter | Planning science communication
Welcome to our June 2016 newsletter: Innovation in science communication Everyone’s talking about it. But who is doing it? And what does it even mean? This month we share our thoughts on Australia’s current buzz word – innovation. As always,... by Econnect | May 3, 2016 | Newsletter | Planning science communication
Welcome to our May 2016 newsletter: It’s never too early to plan your communication Effective communication does not happen by accident. It requires thoughtful planning and proper resourcing. Research groups sometimes get so bound up in generating new ideas that... by Econnect | Apr 13, 2016 | Newsletter | Planning science communication
Welcome to our April 2016 newsletter: A report from the 2016 ASC Conference What’s new in science communication? In March, we went along to the 2016 Australian Science Communicators national conference to find out. Many thanks to the organisers for a... by Econnect | Nov 17, 2015 | Newsletter | Planning science communication
Welcome to our November 2015 newsletter: Building and retaining trust Working in the field of science communication, it’s easy to forget that many people don’t understand the process of science. Not because they are incapable of understanding it, but because they have...