Australian Water Recycling Centre of Excellence
To protect the health of people and the environment, water recycling treatment technologies need to meet specified performance targets.
The Australian Water Recycling Centre of Excellence developed a national approach to validating treatment technologies against the Australian guidelines for water recycling.
The approach proposed, known as the National Validation Framework, was documented in 12 reports.
What we did
We summarised the 12 reports into 12 plain-English documents, each 2 pages long.
We also copyedited them and proofread them after they had been laid out by the client.
Read the National Validation Framework summaries.
The summaries are written for water recyclers, technology suppliers, regulators, water industry professionals, water researchers and interested members of the public.
- Overview of the national validation framework
- Regulators’ perspectives
- Technology suppliers’ perspectives
- Water recyclers’ perspectives
- Validating adsorptive treatment systems
- Validating biological treatment systems
- Validating chemical and photochemical oxidation treatments
- Validating membrane treatment systems
- Validating multiple-barrier water recycling systems
- Validating natural treatment systems
- Validating non-treatment barriers for water recycling systems
- Building capacity